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Test for Covid 19 in Biohellenika

Information on the coronavirus test in Biohellneika

In Biohellenika the coronavirus molecular test and the IgG and IgM antibody test are performed. The molecular test enables the detection of the RNA of the virus while the virus is in our body, even if it has not shown symptoms, or is in the phase of the disease and is completely diagnostic. A positive result shows that the patient transmits the virus and leads him directly to take measures for his health, but also to protect his environment. This test is performed on the nasopharyngeal fluid and the PCR method is applied in real time. 

In Biohellenika we test 3 genes, the gene E, that belongs to the corona virus family, N and RdRP that are belong to SARS COV 2. If this test is negetive for E gene the patient is free of corona virus family. If this gene is positive we procced for testing of the second gene, E, RdRP, that are specific for the SARS-CoV-2. In the case that E or RdRPor both are positive, the patient is infected by the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that produce the current pandemia. If these genes are negative, it means that patient is infected by a member of corona virus family, but not of the virus that produce the current  pandemia. 

The antibody test for SARS-CoV-2 is performed in the blood serum. The antibodies show a recent or past infection with SARS-CoV-2 and their presence in the blood indicates immunity and perhaps protection against a new infection. The antibodies detected are of the IgM and IgG type.

Biohellenika and its scientific staff in order to ensure the reliability of the results cooperates with the company Roche diagnostics, which provides  accredited and licensed products.

 Biohellenika’s molecular test detects from 10 virus particles and above, while other tests detect from 100 and above. This means early diagnosis of the infection from the early stages and protection of the patient and his environment from the spread of the virus. The reliability of the test at Biohellenika is confirmed by external quality controls and is in the process of accreditation by the National Accreditation System (ESYD).

Based on the EODY, the results of the molecular test for the coronavirus are considered valid as long as they are performed in laboratories already accredited by ESYD for other mollecular tests. Biohellenika laboratories have been accredited by ESYD since 2008.