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21/02/2009: Jurga M et al Tissue Eng Part A.  2009 Jan 27. Today  the human umbilical cord blood is  an irrefutable source of stem cells that can be transformed  into neural cells.  Using stem cells from the umbilical cord blood the authors of the article formed for the first time neural tissue in biodegradable 3D scaffolds. These 3D structures contrary to the up until today 2D cell cultures formed functional circuits with automatic function.  This study showed for the first time that the use of 3D structures mediates the maintenance of neural stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood stem cells in functional condition. These structures could in the future be useful for the rejuvenation-reconstruction of damaged areas of the brain.

Φύλαξη βλαστοκυττάρων Biohellenika - Αριθμός Μ.Α.Ε.: 60077/062/Β/06/0031 Γ.Ε.ΜΗ: 58882804000 - Κατασκευή Ιστοσελίδων Hexabit - W3C - Pagespeed